POST promotion/add_or_update_lottery
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
LotteryViewModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
lottery_id | integer |
None. |
lottery_type_id | LotteryType |
None. |
lottery_type_name | string |
None. |
sponsor_id | integer |
None. |
user_id | integer |
None. |
user_name | string |
None. |
user_head_image_path | string |
None. |
home_page_listing | boolean |
None. |
is_limit_official_fan | boolean |
None. |
official_name | string |
None. |
official_wxa_code_image_path | string |
None. |
official_keywords | string |
None. |
advanced | boolean |
None. |
is_fu_li | boolean |
None. |
need_fans | boolean |
None. |
pass_word | string |
None. |
mobile | string |
None. |
share_row_image_path | string |
None. |
wechat_official_account_link | string |
None. |
wechat_group_id_qr_code | string |
None. |
wechat_id_qr_code | string |
None. |
purchase_contact_wechat_id | string |
None. |
description | string |
None. |
image_paths | string |
None. |
open_type_id | integer |
None. |
open_time | string |
None. |
open_count | integer |
None. |
date_fill_address | string |
None. |
date_not_fill_address | integer |
None. |
group_count | integer |
None. |
client_id | integer |
None. |
app_id | integer |
None. |
shop_id | integer |
None. |
date_created | string |
None. |
sponsor_name | string |
None. |
sponsor_description | string |
None. |
wxa_app_name | string |
None. |
wxa_app_id | string |
None. |
wxa_app_path | string |
None. |
purchase | boolean |
None. |
experience | boolean |
None. |
product_image_path | string |
None. |
product_name | string |
None. |
product_price | decimal number |
None. |
open_type_name | string |
None. |
join_lotteries | Collection of JoinLotteryViewModel |
None. |
winners | Collection of WinnerViewModel |
None. |
items | Collection of LotteryItemViewModel |
None. |
winners_address_complete | integer |
None. |
joined | boolean |
None. |
my_group_join_lotteries | Collection of JoinLotteryViewModel |
None. |
his_group_join_lotteries | Collection of JoinLotteryViewModel |
None. |
date_opened | string |
None. |
joined_count | integer |
None. |
view_count | integer |
None. |
won | boolean |
None. |
delivered | boolean |
None. |
date_deleted | string |
None. |
city_id | integer |
None. |
gender | integer |
None. |
require_mobile | boolean |
None. |
condition | string |
None. |
auto_join_fake | boolean |
None. |
open_advertisement | boolean |
None. |
Request Formats
Response Information
Resource Description
DataResponseOfInt64Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
code | integer |
None. |
message | string |
None. |
success | boolean |
None. |
data | integer |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "code": 1, "message": "sample string 2", "success": true, "data": 4 }